List of internal Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces forms. This dataset does not provide public access to the forms because they are for internal use only. To access a form, use the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces intranet.

  1. Cfpas Download Canadian Forces
  2. Cfpas Download Canadian Forces Insignia
  1. CFPAS - SEPFC 2009.0.0 is free to download from our software library. This PC software works fine with 32-bit versions of Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10. The CFPAS - SEPFC installer is commonly called CFPASFF.exe. The following versions: 2009.0, 9.0 and 3.0 are the most frequently downloaded ones by the program users.
  2. CFPAS - SEPFC 2009.0.0 is free to download from our software library. This PC software works fine with 32-bit versions of Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10. The CFPAS - SEPFC installer is commonly called CFPASFF.exe.
I would propose that it has been, is, and always will be 'ok' to process

Cfpas Download Canadian Forces

ForcesPDRs/PERs , quote, 'at home on one's personal PC' as long as the mbrs
personal details are only inserted at the end, at work, on one's DND PC.

For years, prior to CFPAS, I spent hours (per PER) working on them at
home on my Commadore 64 (who has the time during working hours ? ( ;o> )
The idea being that the only thing on floppy, were the textual [narrative]
portions to copy-n-paste, then and only then, consolidate (at work) with the
mbrs personal details, just prior to finalizing the thing for submission

A. Until such time as the mbrs personal details (SN, Name) are inserted,
it's a piece of paper, unclas at best, and as such, certainly not subject to
any of the policies or acts your have referred to.

B. DND/CF, has for years in agreement with Microsoft and in the
provision of CFPAS (on floppies or cd) allowed/allows for the installation
of MS Office suite, and CPAS 'at home'; in the former, with the condition
that the preponderance of 'work' with these software tools, was just that;

[1] While there were intervening polices that forbade processing
PERs 'at home', they were IMHO, not well thought out; an overreaction, to
something that is and should be very, very simple.

C. The standard disclaimer that any/all IS medium travelling between
one's home PC and work PC, be virus scanned on both ends, yadaa...yadaa.

* A PER form, on paper or in electronic medium, that does not incl -- SN's,
names or reference dates --, but is otherwise completed, is not a PER. Plain
and simple. As such, it is not therfore subj to any privacy protection.

CBC AirFarce.- Mar 04 [Missle Defence] :... How is it possible for the
Americans to enforce democratic FREEDOM in Canada, if they can't get us to
do what they want ......

Cfpas Download Canadian Forces Insignia

'Not a Re@l N@me' <> wrote in message